Solve questions on the fetal ultrasound How are each different?
Center : Women Health Center

It is believed that many mothers will have many questions and concerns, while their baby is growing in the womb. Especially with their first pregnancy, they want to know the gender of child, how does the baby look like? Are the organs and extremities intact or not, etc. The best way to get the answers is with fetal ultrasound.
First, it is important to understand that ultrasound is a type of sound wave which has frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz, the current ultrasonic waves have been developed as a tool used in many industries including medical. By developing ultrasound to be used in the diagnosis of various diseases, It has become a very useful tool for doctors and patients. It is also possible to check the current health of the baby in the womb. But there are many types of ultrasound nowadays. Whether it is 2D, 3D and 4D, the patterns of seeing the fetus are different. Let's look at the differences between each type of ultrasound. How are they different?
2D ultrasound
Doing this type of ultrasound The resulting images will be 2D images as cross-sections one by one. The first dimension is the width, and the second dimension is the length. Any shallowness And unable to see the baby's face clearly Parents may not understand images and may not be able to see the images as your doctor tells you.

3D ultrasound
The principle of operation of a 3D ultrasound machine is more complex than two dimensions: it shows width, height and depth, where the probe emits high-frequency sound waves that are transmitted at different angles, and receive the reflected sound wave signal back for analysis with a complex computer program. The resulting image will be a textured image of the baby or internal organs of the baby. Parents will see a more realistic body and the shape of the baby. This includes seeing the baby's face and details clearly than the 2D, making it possible to predict what the baby will look like when the baby is born, and able to understand images easily, do not need to use much imagination as 2D photographs.

4D ultrasound
Its principles are similar to that of 3D ultrasound, but with more complex processing and a fourth dimension has been added, including "time". In addition to parents seeing the baby in a 3D image, the 4-D ultrasound will bring a 3D image to be displayed in a sequential order to become an animation that occurs in real time by using sound waves. As we have seen the fetus in real time, it allow us to study different behaviors of the fetus, whether it is yawning, finger sucking, opening mouth, finger movements, or a clear smile, and parents can see the baby almost as if it were real. It also gives more information and details. Especially in cases of surface abnormalities such as cleft lip or some types of skin tumors. This is useful in diagnosing some congenital disorders.

Although there are many different types of ultrasound examinations to choose from, But they all indicate the same thing: fetal development, fertility, and various anomalies. That could happen but if you want to see the baby clearly in an animated way, a 4D ultrasound is an interesting option.
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Article of Women Health Center